姚 陈 志
2010.9-2014.6 安徽师范大学 材料化学 工学学士
2014.9-2020.3 中国科学技术大学 高分子化学与物理 理学博士 导师:刘世勇 教授
2020.7-2022.12 复旦大学 分析化学 博士后 导师:张凡教授
2023.5至今 安徽师范大学 新葡的京集团8814
1. 功能性高分子/超分子的合成、组装与应用
2. 高分子荧光探针的合成与生物传感应用
3. 多模态诊疗试剂的合成与应用
1. 复旦大学“超级博士后”基金项目,2020.7-2022.7,已结题
2. 上海市“超级博士后”基金项目,2020.7-2022.7,已结题
3. 第69批博士后面上二等资助,2021.7-2022.12,已结题
4. 安徽师范大学博士科研启动基金,在研
1. C. Z. Yao# , Y. Chen# , M. Y. Zhao, S. F. Wang, B. Wu, D. R. Yin, P. Yu, H. X. Zhang and F. Zhang* “Bright, Long Blood Circulation and Renal-Clearable NIR-II Brush Macromolecular Probe for Kidney Disease Bioimaging” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e2021114273 (VIP Paper; Highlighted by Wileychem and ChemistryViews; Most-Accessed Articles, as of Dec 2021; Top 10 Most Downloaded Papers in the 12 Months Online Publications From 2022.1.1-2022.12.31).
2. C. Z. Yao, Y. M. Li, Z. X. Wang, C. Z. Song, X. L. Hu*, S. Y. Liu* “Cytosolic NQO1 Enzyme-Activated Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy with Polymeric Vesicles” ACS Nano, 2020, 14,1919−1935.
3. C. Z. Yao, X. R. Wang, G. H. Liu*, J. M. Hu*, S. Y. Liu* “Distinct Morphology Transitions of Photo-Reactive and Thermo-Responsive Vesicles for Controlled Release and Nanoreactors”, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 8282-8295 (Monthly Most-Read Articles, as of Nov 2016).
4. S. Y. Shi# , C. Z. Yao# , J. Cen# , L. Li, G. H. Liu, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu* "High-Fidelity End-Functionalization of Poly(ethylene glycol) Using Stable and Potent Carbamate Linkages", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 18172-18178 (Co-first authors).
5. Dongrui Yin# , Chenzhi Yao# , Ying Chen, Zuyang He, Peng Yu, Xingwen Sun, Shangfeng Wang*, and Fan Zhang* “HClO-activated Near-infrared Fluorogenic aza-BODIPY-Bisferrocene Triad with High Turn-on Ratio for in vivo Biosensing” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022, 2201139 (Co-first authors).
6. C. Z. Yao, X. R. Wang, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu* "Cooperative Modulation of Bilayer Permeability and Microstructures of Polymersomes", Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2019, 50, 553-566 (Feature Articles).
1. 张凡,姚陈志,“水溶性的近红外二区大分子荧光探针及其制备方法和应用”, ZL 2021 1 1119174.6
2. 张凡,姚陈志,殷东瑞,“次氯酸触发激活型近红外荧光探针及其制备方法和应用”, ZL 2022 1 0383814.2
3. Naresh Dhirajlal Ghatlia, Praful Gulab Rao Lahorkar, Shiyong Liu, Xiaoxia Yang, Chenzhi Yao, Ashish Anant Vaidy a, “A Novel Polymer, a Composition, a Method and a Kit for Whitening Teeth”; PCT/CN2018/092902; Filed on: 2018.06.26.
4. Praful Gulab Rao Lahorkar, Shiyong Liu, Rajkumar Perumal, Shengyu Shi, Ashish Anant Vaidya, Chenzhi Yao, Xiaoxia Yang, “A Polymer and a Cosmetic Composition Comprising the Polymer”; PCT/CN2019/090001; Filed on: 2019.07.02.
5. Praful Gulab Rao Lahorkar, Shiyong Liu, Rajkumar Perumal, Shengyu Shi, Ashish Anant Vaidya, Chenzhi Yao, Xiaoxia Yang, “A Polymer and a Topical Composition Comprising the Polymer”; PCT/EP2020/064506; Filed on: 2020.05.26.